Max Mansour wrote:
> If I understand what your saying, then GW and IZ are both trying to use
> the same space in the ZShell string to hold their interupts. If that is
> true, is it possible to adjust the tibasic install program to _add_ 600
> bytes to the _current_ length of the string, instead of trying to just
> add 600 bytes on to 1206? I would assume GW references fixed mem
> locations, where it stores it's interupts in ZS, so to make a tibasic
> install program which would allow GW to install it's interupt space
> _after_ the entire ZS variable (including whatevver else is using that
> space), it would also require an ASM program to change the fixed mem
> references (chenge the offset) in Game Wizard (where it calls it's
> ints). But then again, the GW string would be moving around in memory,
> so the other ASM program couldn't write to it.... Ahh...another idea:
> there could be a choice in the actual GW program, which would allow you
> to enter an offset (that would be reported by the tibasic install
> program), which would update the fixed mem calls...
> If that didn't make sense, well, email me...
I think I got it...
Well, you can't just move the interrupt table one step, since the LSB
of the address to it must be 0 ($8800, $9200). To make what you describe
to work, it requires a lot and lot of work which I won't do since that
is booooooring and not totally necessary. As I said in a previos post
this could be fixed in ZShell 4.5 OR we could make an IM 2 standard
that we (the programmers) could use so we can have more than one
interrupt routine. This would also be good for grayscale games that could
use the graph mem as variable storage then.
Real name: Jimmy Mårdell
IRC-name.: Yarin
"Strap me down with disillusion
Tie me up in lifelines
Nothing stops my thoughts from breeding
Nothing's stopping my mind" - Leather Strip