Re: LZ: Mail Setup


Re: LZ: Mail Setup

-*-I don't know whos suggested changing the reply-to address but its causing
-*-even more problems the new way.  Please send private mail ONLY in private
-*-and do not CC it to LZ.  It is making me angry because I keep getting TI
-*-mail addressed to individuals in my inbox because it is CCed to LZ.  It is
-*-really a hassle to have to manually move 15 messages to my TI folder when
-*-before they went there automatically.

	I like this better personally, there is less shit going on and
IMHO it is better...

-/- Bill -/-

| 	     SysOp of Skeletons from the Closet, 7i7-585-40i8
|    -/- Eagle Scout - '95, Brotherhood Member Lowwapaneu Lodge 191 -/- 
|  -/- '96 Pennsylvania YMCA East-West Champion, 100yd Back - :53.94 -/-
