Re: LZ: cassette tapes
Re: LZ: cassette tapes
On Fri, 13 Sep 1996, Andrew Haninger wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Sep 1996, Scott J. Rein wrote:
> > At 10:34 PM 9/10/96 -0400, you wrote:
> > >ok. ok. ok. i think i'm the one who started this whole string. all i'm
> > >think ing about is:
> > >
> > >ok, here ya'll go, i'll put up my idea:
> > >
> > >1. you make a bu of your calc
> > >2. you run it through a program on your pc that will convert it to a wav
> > >file. preferably mono 8bit so those of us with an old sb can also do this.
> > >3. you record the file onto a tape recorder. this would be done by making
> > >a link to go from the speaker port in your sb to the mic on the recorder.
> > >essentially just a wire with two "headphone" plugs on either end.
> > >4. you get an adapter from RShack for $3.00 and play the tape into your calc.
> > >5. you have a prog. on your calc that's checking the port and receiving
> > >the blips of sound and converting it to 0s and 1s and putting it in ram.
> > >6. the prog. is loaded and you're on your merry way
> > >
> > >see, no fancy wiring. all simple... simple, simple simple. (well, except
> > >for the conversion program<G>) kinda simple kinda simple.........
> > >
> >
> > I think I found a problem with that: The way the link port works is
> > actually not that simple. I am no expert, but I think it works on two wires
> > which are bidirectional. I don't think you can just "play" it back into the
> > calc.
> >
> > What about when it says WARNING, MEMORY BACKUP??? It is waiting for you to
> good thought, i didn't think of that. hmmmm, then what about using 85g's
> > press continue which then sends a signal back to the sending calculator
> > which starts the transfer.
> >
> > I don't even know if the link port will accept _sound_ being sent back into
> > it. Would the program convert those beeps and blips to the correct
> > electronic pattern? I am not so sure.
> well, if it will accept sound, then, it would be like a binary morse code.
> here:
> 0=-
> 1=--
woah, woah.. hld up here.
You guys have it all wrong.. I haven't been following this thread, but the
ti-85 doesn't accept sound, it'd be accepting electronic pulses, you guys
have the wrong idea about all of this.. It's not like the tape player
would be emitting sound waves over a wire, that's impossible.. The
sound occurs when a speaker is hooked up to that wire. Essentially,
all that is being sent to the microphone is 1's and 0's.. On's and
off's telling the microphone to contract and such (I believe it's done
w/ a magnet on most?).. The problem is, those 1's and 0's are entirely
too fast for the 85 to handle. It's not like a modem, where it
would take sound and demodulate it into pulses. That's not how it's done.
The only way you could do what you guys are trying to do is to slow the
player down somehow..
The other problem I see is converting a binary file to a wav.. uhm =)..
quite frankly that's not gonna work. =)
That's all =)
Pixel Dreamer
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