Re: LZ: Wow, Daedalus works!!!


Re: LZ: Wow, Daedalus works!!!

On Thu, 12 Sep 1996, Ed Plese, Jr. wrote:

> > Hmm.  Grayscale takes up proccessor time right?  Well, if it doesn't that would
> > be a good idea.  It would look a lot better full screen.  Still, he said he
> > would make it faster (And maybe consequently bigger).  I think that maybe all
> > walls would be 1-3 'colors', and the floor would be another.  What do the rest
> > of us think?
> > 
> I think that he should ditch the textures.  Then make a version with 
> just lines.  If that's a lot faster, then he could see about colors.
> -Ed
Yes if we used this method it would be alot faster and the grayscale 
graphics....well then the program would have to be alot faster.

Carl Turner

"TI-85's Rock!"
	by Carl Turner
