Re: LZ: Compression program (and questions for asm programmers)


Re: LZ: Compression program (and questions for asm programmers)

Scott J. Rein wrote:
> >I was just responding to his question.  Anyways, I was looking in
> >ti-ram.txt to remember the pointers.  $8b25 is the pointer to last byte
> >of free mem.  $8b27 is the first byte.  You can subtract those to see if
> >you have enough room to uncompreess, and then write it there.  Since only
> >your program is running, (besides interuppts), you can be sure nothing
> >will mess eith it.  Dont' change the pointers though...
> >oh yeah, you can leave stuff there, you don't have to clear it.
> I don't have to change the pointers if I take up some of the memory?  Yah, I
> guess you would be right.  It would be a one time thing, and if I leave
> stuff there, oh well, it will be overwritten the next time something is
> saved there.
> Thanks, I think I am about ready to try this.
> How do you go about passing information to another program?  E.g, if I call
> another program, I need to pass the .db's that the compressed program is
> saved in.  Or should I just set a register to point to the .db's and then
> have my program access it, decompress it, and then load it into the free space.
> --      Scott Rein

Yes, the last comment would work the best. Either in a register pair or a 
pointer in memory.
Alan B.
