Re: LZ: Mike Jan WTF is going on?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
> > On Sun, 8 Sep 1996 19:51:21 -0700 (MST) (Brian Gray)
> > writes:
> > I couldn't agree with you more about that guy. The thing is i personally
> > believe that as part of the zshell community we shouldn't market are
> > ideas but rather let others benefit from our inventions also. Similar to
> > the linux scene, you don't see people trying to profit off programs for
> > linux... if the rt link is a valid system than i think he should've just
> > put the schematics online.. rather than try to sell out everyone..
> He did put th schematics online...He was just trying to help out the
> ZShell community even more, by ioffering to make and sell the RTLinks to
> people who did not have the experience/knowledge/etc [how] to make them.
> [::::of coiurse, if it is a hoax, then he isn't helping TI-85 ownersa at
> all, but my point is, that he released the schematics online::::]
errm, but the schematics didn't work, did they...
(they were a hoax..)
Rob Taylor MAIL -