LZ: A few optimizations and congrats for Daedalus Raytracer
LZ: A few optimizations and congrats for Daedalus Raytracer
Subject: LZ: A few optimizations and congrats for Daedalus Raytracer
From: Ryan Myers <rmyers@teleport.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 19:06:20 -0700 (PDT)
In-Reply-To: <>
Hello. I tried the Daedalus Raytracer from Sam Davies and I'm quite impressed.
Sam should be commended for a relatively fast raycasting engine on a 6Mhz
2-color calculator! :D
However, here are a few suggestions:
1) Speed. OPTIMIZE OPTIMIZE OPTIMIZE!!! The doom of all programmers :)
2) Put some kind of border around the screen a la DOOM / other games... perhaps
with ZCP.
3) The raycaster algorithms create sinusoidal distortion. You haven't made
a filter
for that yet, it gives the virtual world a fish-eye lens effect. "More
Tricks of the
Game Programming Gurus" covers raytracing in greater detail and tells
you how
to remove the sinusoidal distortion. :)
4) My guess is you're still using "CALL GET_KEY", and that's a BIG bottleneck.
My suggestion would be to visit Jingyang Xu's page and get the SCANKEY
routines. They are MAJOR fast ( I'm using them in Spy Hunter and have
to use
delay routines to slow it down to playable speeds ) and also give you
support for
multiple keys and no delay on held keys.
You basically can do multiple keys using SCANKEY like this:
ld b,6 <--- 6 is what I use for SpyHunter, you'll
want it less.
djnz DelayMainLoop
And so on. With the exception of the Quit key, using CALLs with SCANKEY
allows multiple keys held at once, and without delay. And, again, it's
REALLY fast.
If you could give me the source code it would be much appreciated.
Ryan Myers ( rmyers@teleport.com )
"Canthus" on DARKWORLD
C> Warning: REALITY.SYS may be corrupt. Reboot universe(y/n)?