Re: LZ: cassette tapes


Re: LZ: cassette tapes

> That is a good idea, but I don't know if that will be possible using a
> cassette.  Will the sounds be of high enough quality?  Then again I heard
sure the quality will be high enough(i think). erm, well, maybe it would
decrease over two years or however long it takes for a tape to wear down. 
but i don't think you'd be using the same setup and all for that long so
> they used to trasnfer programs over the radio (just record it and put it in
> your cassette disk drive.) 
oh, cool, then we could have a whole ti calculator radio station<G>!!  j/k

anyway, i would have suggested a dat(digital audio tape) but, those are
expensive and you don't want this to be expensive or anything. after all,
you've probably already spent over $120-125  on the calc, glink, and
batteries. .et a,one of you've got a cbl or have turboed it.

if you think this is worth looking into, i'd gladly team up with
you.although, i'll have to warn you: i have only got experience with using
highlevel languages. no lowlevel. even though, i think this would be a
good incentive to me for me to learn z80 programming to do something other
than games.  

Andy Haninger                 
aka &amp;y               
