Re: LZ: ROM info
Thanx for bursting my bubble, Rob... ;)
>> I know that this might be a little off-topic, but I just started
>> REALLY disassemble ROM v3.0a, and I found that there are FOUR (4)
>> search buffers!! One at $8082 (we know), one at $808D (we also
>> one at $8098, and one at $80A3. Did anyone know this? I thought
>> that that was kinda intresting. ;)
>there's six.. (just like op1 to 6 on teh ti-83)
>didn't I put this in ti-ram.txt?
no, i didn't see it.
Some one _NEEDS_ to redo all of those text files, u know, like "TI-
ROM.TXT", "TI-RAM.TXT", etc..., so that they all have the updated
information, especially TI-ROM.TXT. It should include the ROM 9
calls (u can add $1B to them 4 the ROM 10 calls, but we all know that.