Re: LZ: Basic Zshell programming qestions
> Date: Mon, 04 Sep 1995 19:08:52 -0400
> From: (becker)
> Organization: Internet Illinois
> To:
> Subject: LZ: Basic Zshell programming qestions
> Reply-to:
> I'm working on pinball, and I know I'm gonna sound like an idiot, but I
> need help.
> 1. how do I know where to store info in memory, ex:
> ld $00DE,A
> How do I know where to save A?
You store it in the 128? or so bytes of text mem at $80DF. At the
top of the prog you can assign names to locations.
TempByte = $80DF
TempByte2 = $80E0
TempWord = $80E1
TempWord2 = $80E3
You can also do relative location assigning like
TempByte = $80DF
TempByte2 = TempByte + 1
TempWord = TempByte2 + 1
TempWord2 = TempWord + 2
Then to store a you could do a:
ld (TempByte),a
or if you wanted to save hl
ld (TempWord),hl
or if you wanted to recall a from TempByte
ld a,(TempByte)
or TempWord
ld hl,(TempWord)
> 2.I know this is a really dumb question...Has anyone wrote a converter
> for bmp to a chunk of test that I can past into my asm code?(I know
> there is somethig like this out there, but don't know where to look...)
There is a bitmap to *.85i (ti85 pict format) convertor ouot there.
Then you can use Zshell compressed picture format by Stephane Jantzen
to put it into zshell... You could also uwse a pcx image and convert
it into GCP an improvement on ZCP that allows grayscales. For
sprites, you probably will need to do them manually. Check out NASR
by Jingyang Xu. You can find all this stuff at
> 3. I to make (or find) a simple TI-basic prog to convert regular decimal
> numbers into hex, or bin, or whatever the hell Zshell uses?....
Just use the base menu on the 85. It works good enough.
| Andy Selle ( |
| Real Programmers Write in Assembly |
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