Re: LZ: Zshell Ideas, questions, from a newbie..


Re: LZ: Zshell Ideas, questions, from a newbie..

Ed Plese, Jr. wrote:
> > > it has been discussed but it would require an external chip that is
> > > connected through the link port. also it would require page flipping
> > > techniques and would take a longer time to load the program because it
> > > would have to copy the program to the main TI memory first(from what i
> > > have read). and the TI-85 has only 32k of memory. also if you are going
> > > to open up your 85 BE CAREFUL. the reason why i say this is because i
> > > screwed up one of my ti-85's when trying to do that(some of the screen
> > > doesn't display(i cut the screen cable).
> > There is a way to fix that screen cable problem, I did the same thing to
> > my TI when I took it apart. Send personal mail if you want to
> > know(anybody)...
> I don't know what you could have done to screw up the display cable
> because I have taken my calc apart many times and have never had a
> problem.
> -Ed
i cut the screen cable when trying to break the heat seal(that is what
the top is joined together with. I used a razor blade to cut through it
but i accendently cut through the screen cable.
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