Re: LZ: Suggestions...
> This is a couple of suggestions for either ZShell programs or improvements to
> existing programs that I've thought of.
> -a text editor (maybe something similar to Data Reader)
> -Pinball
> -Battleship
> -a *good* (lots of weapons, AI, etc.) version of Scorched Earth
> -A program for tables, the TI-85's only shortcoming (possible in ZShell?)
> -Simcity (for the terminally bored programmer)
> -Space Invaders (maybe use NASR?)
> -Monopoly
> -A higher resolution Minesweeper (decrease the square size to make playing
> fields larger)
> These are just a couple of ideas. I would program them myself, but I don't
> know how to program in assembly and really don't have much free time at home
> (I've got a bunch during school) to learn assembly.
> Feel free to use the ideas. I don't care.
A few days ago I started a Battleship game for ZShell. It should be
pretty easy to write. So far I have line routines to draw the grids
and a routine to move a cursor around the grid. I don't know if
you've ever played the Battleship game for TI-BASIC but it pretty
much sucks. The only reason for this is because of the interface.
But, in my version I'm going to have two grids on the screen at all
times (almost). They take up all of the pixels except for the top
and bottom rows and a few columns between the grids. With my
interface, the user will not even have to enter coords. All they
will have to do is move the cursor to the grid square they want to
pick and hit 2nd. This will make the game much easier to play than
to have to scroll through a menu system to select the coords.
Depending on how much time I have, I should have a working BETA
version done within a week or two.