Re: LZ: programs in zshell
> -> This problem of space seems to come up alot in discussing different
> -> topics. I was wondering if anyone was working on something I heard
> -> discussed several months ago: the interfacing of a tape recorder to
> -> the ti's link port to be used as a secondary storage device. Does
> -> anyone know if this is still considered feasible and if anyone is
> -> working on it?
> I musta have missed that, but I was thinking of hooking up my Commodor
> Tape drive to the calculator, I have it hooked up to the computer as a
> test at the moment, I think it's possible, the only problem is is that
> it has 3 bits: READ, WRITE, and STATUS. You could read/write from the
> same link port pin, and have the Status on the other I guess. One thing
> is is that I don't know how fast to write to the tape.
> If anyone has any routines ( on the PC ) to use the Commodor tape drive
> please send them to me.
I had a look at teh possibility of using the Sinclair Spectrum's tape
saving routine (teh hardware would be v. simple), bt teh problem is
taht teh Ti-85 has a variabel speed - all asyncronouus saving routien
(like the spactrums) would therefore not work, or needd soem kind of
external syncronisation..
One idea would be to use a stereo tape player, and use one line as
clock and the other as data, but I have no idea how to go abut this
(i.e what sort of signals you can store on a tape, etc..)
Rob Taylor MAIL -