Re: LZ: Basic Zshell programming qestions


Re: LZ: Basic Zshell programming qestions

becker wrote:
> I'm working on pinball, and I know I'm gonna sound like an idiot, but I
> need help.
> 1. how do I know where to store info in memory, ex:
>     ld  $00DE,A
> How do I know where to save A?
you would normally save to one of the TEXTMEM's or GRAPHMEM. for example
if you wanted to store the number 56222 to text memory here is what you
	ld a, 56222
	ld TEXTMEM, a
> 2.I know this is a really dumb question...Has anyone wrote a converter
> for bmp to a chunk of test that I can past into my asm code?(I know
> there is somethig like this out there, but don't know where to look...)
i think there is one at
> 3. I to make (or find) a simple TI-basic prog to convert regular decimal
> numbers into hex, or bin, or whatever the hell Zshell uses?....
built into the TI-85 under the [2nd][BASE][CONV] menu also there is no
need to convert decimal to hex because the compiler automatically stores
the information in hex format.

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