LZ: Suggestions...
LZ: Suggestions...
This is a couple of suggestions for either ZShell programs or improvements to
existing programs that I've thought of.
-a text editor (maybe something similar to Data Reader)
-a *good* (lots of weapons, AI, etc.) version of Scorched Earth
-A program for tables, the TI-85's only shortcoming (possible in ZShell?)
-Simcity (for the terminally bored programmer)
-Space Invaders (maybe use NASR?)
-A higher resolution Minesweeper (decrease the square size to make playing
fields larger)
These are just a couple of ideas. I would program them myself, but I don't
know how to program in assembly and really don't have much free time at home
(I've got a bunch during school) to learn assembly.
Feel free to use the ideas. I don't care.
Alan Horne