Re: LZ: Zshell Ideas, questions, from a newbie..


Re: LZ: Zshell Ideas, questions, from a newbie..

On Wed, 4 Sep 1996, D. Switzer wrote:

> 	Is the new ZSHELL going to add capabilities for more than
> 8 programs, or am I missing something? Seems the menu only allows 8
> programs at once.

RTFM!  press [more] for more!

> 	Also,how about folders? So there could be a way to organise
> things. Folders, directories, whatever you want to call them.

No, that's not possible on the 85 (92, yes).

> 	Has anyone looked into the possibility of upgrading the memory
> on the ti-85? Seeing what everyone has accomplished via the 85, it's
> a fairly AMAZING piece of equipment! The possibilies right now seem
> limited to memory. Between sound, editing, graphics (displaying PICTURES,
> this flipped me out ALL LAST NIGHT), it seems that at around 100 bucks, 
> the 85 would be about the perfect "digital assistant".. I haven't opened 
> it up, but how is memory in there? Chips? Upgradable in anyway?
> 	I'm guessing it's been discussed, but I'm new, please forgive
> me.

Yes, many times.  If it is AT ALL possible, it will happen, but it has not
been done yet.)

> 	Also, a slight pipe dream.. anyone working on a music composing
> program? That would be a trip, to be able to wite music in class, then
> have a converted on the pc to convert the file to midi's or something.
> But then again, I'm guess ing how sound is handled, that the 85
> is someone monophonic..

Well, you can write music to play on the 85!  Check out

                              The nice thing about Windows is that it does
Tony Lieuallen                     not just crash...  It displays a dialog               box and lets you press 'OK' first.                   
