Re: LZ: Re: Wade Burch


Re: LZ: Re: Wade Burch

According to Scott Rein:
>At 10:52 PM 8/31/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>On Sat, 31 Aug 1996, Ed Plese, Jr. wrote:
>>> > I don't know if this applies to you Erika, but you may not have the
>>> > bi-directional parallel port turned on in your bios.  This happened to
>me on
>>> > my P120, and it was simply the wrong mode selected for the port.
>>> Some compuers don't have bidirectional parallel ports, like older
>>> ones (386, etc.).  All new ones should have them though.
>>> -Ed
>>I do all my link port stuff on a 8088... it works fine... :)
>>It's ironic that the calculator's processor is faster.  rofl...
>Yes, but do you use the parallel or serial port?

Parallel ( the infamous $5 cable, rebuilt three times cause I'm too
lazy/busy (one of the two :) ) to buy new parts )

C ya,
Ryan Myers ( )
"Canthus" on DARKWORLD

C> Warning: REALITY.SYS may be corrupt.  Reboot universe(y/n)?
