LZ: Just a small suggestion to ALL ZS programmers
LZ: Just a small suggestion to ALL ZS programmers
Subject: LZ: Just a small suggestion to ALL ZS programmers
From: Ryan Myers <rmyers@teleport.com>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 1996 17:26:49 -0700 (PDT)
In-Reply-To: <>
To those who have tried to get screen shots for their games on www pages or
other things... you probably know of the utility Screen Capture 2.0. This
is a great utility and the authors are to be commended... but unfortunately
the program cannot operate if graphics memory is altered directly... that
puts out a lot of stuff, and anything using NASR ( DOH! )
I would suggest that all ZS programmers place a screen-capture handler
inside their programs, possibly inside a resume-game-after-pause loop.
Possibly dumping the screen mem to a string and setting an internal flag,
then sending the string back into graph-mem before dropping back to ZShell...
Thanks to everyone for listening to my rant :),
Ryan Myers ( rmyers@teleport.com )
"Canthus" on DARKWORLD
C> Warning: REALITY.SYS may be corrupt. Reboot universe(y/n)?