LZ: "hiding" ZShell & memory
LZ: "hiding" ZShell & memory
IN>You guys are trying to do the wrong thing!
IN>Why don't you create a 'diversion' program in zshell to simulate pressing
IN>the 2nd MEM keys, use the menus to 'reset' the calc, and then just output
IN>a screen that looks like the RAM screen, just set the vars to their
IN>defaults! Instead of integrating it into zshell 4.5, only the people who
IN>want it would have it taking up space! If it wern't for the busy
IN>indicator, doubled menus, and contrast change, you could probably do the
IN>same in TI-BASIC.
IN>just a thought
IN>Nick Leskiw
IN>-The Light at the End of the Tunnel has been permenantly
IN>disconnected due to financial problems.
What I think you should do is make a program so when your evil teacher
resets your mem you interupt it and just put "MEM CLEARED DEFAULTS
SET" on the home screen but not actually erase anything.