Re: LZ: Zilog literature
Re: LZ: Zilog literature
On Sun, 1 Sep 1996, Richard Guy wrote:
> >The Z280 is a different cpu.
> Hmm. So what's it doing under the Z80 heading for literature?? Does this
> mean that there is no Z80 Technical Manual?? Just a Z280 one?? Seems a
> little strange.
The Z280 is a bigger, faster cpu than the Z80. It's generally
a superset, although I don't think it will run Z80 code. I'm
not entirely sure of that. I know one of their supersets won't
run Z80 code and I think it's the Z280 but I'm not sure.
As to why it's there, maybe it's a mistake. There is a Z80
book published by Zilog. I saw one a couple of months ago in
a book store.