Re: LZ: Re: Wade Burch


Re: LZ: Re: Wade Burch

At 09:56 PM 8/31/96 +0000, you wrote:
>> I don't know if this applies to you Erika, but you may not have the
>> bi-directional parallel port turned on in your bios.  This happened to me on
>> my P120, and it was simply the wrong mode selected for the port.
>Some compuers don't have bidirectional parallel ports, like older 
>ones (386, etc.).  All new ones should have them though.

I understand that, but she was talking about her Pentium that didn't work.
My old 486DX/33 didn't have a bidirection port, and I never bothered to
upgrade it.  The only time you really need it is if you have a link between
two computers, a parallel port graph-link (wannabe), or a new printer that
actually gives feedback to the computer.

Sorry if I got off topic there... but I think I got my point across.

--	Scott Rein
