Re: LZ: Re: Wade Burch
At 05:59 PM 8/31/96 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 96-08-31 17:25:28 EDT, (Erika Rogers)
><< I made a parallel link and had a similar problem. The linktest worked
> but I always got a transmission error (I was using my Pentium 166). I
> tried it on my 486 and it worked. I read somewhere that it does not work
> on Pentiums because the Parallel port is somehow different.
> -- >>
>maybe its the speed of the pentium... the parallel port isn't (shouldn't) be
>different, that would depend on the I/O card. Since both of you have the
>problem, I doubt both your IO cards are special...
>it may be the speed... but i would think that was limited to the I/o cards
That doesn't make too much sense, how would the cards work for a printer, etc?
-- Scott Rein