LZ: ZTerm
LZ: ZTerm
Subject: LZ: ZTerm
From: Anthony Karels <akarels@citilink.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 23:17:53 -0500
In-Reply-To: <>
Is anyone continuing to work on the ZTerm/Modem for the 85? I think
that this is a great idea, and I am hoping that the graf-link to modem
connector will actually be invented, instead of being talked about. If I
had enough electronics experience, I'd make it myself, but I don't. If
there is a place where I can get some info on a ZTerm or Modem connector
(Not for the 92), please tell me where.
Thank You,
Anthony Karels
P.S. Please don't flame me, or write a trillion replys to this message.