Re: LZ: Backlighting


Re: LZ: Backlighting

-> I think a game boy light attachment idea is much better than most of
-> you realize.  A couple people who stayed at our house left an old
-> Game Boy attachment thingy that I found a couple weeks ago.  It has 2
-> sterio speekers, a magnifier, and a light.  Best of all, with a light
-> outside the casing it would spred a bit to the keypad so you can see
-> this to (my guess is that since the game boy has a couple buttons,
-> they may have made it this way).  There are a couple down sides.  It
-> is a bit big for the calc, so it would have to have something added
-> to it to make it fit. It has the wrong speeker jack, halfway between
-> the regular and mini jacks.  And it runs off of the power of the
-> gameboy (that could be solved by putting a small bettery with a
-> transformer somewhere).  This would be a lot easier and safer than
-> screwing around in the inside of the calc.  I hope this helps.

I have a different type of add on for the game boy, it's just a light.
It fits almost perfectly  over the 82/85/83 screen.
