LZ: Regina reports in


LZ: Regina reports in

       "NeNe!  Will you sit down!"  Said the young Asian looking Ensign,
"You're embarrassing me!"  Meanwhile a young girl, about 12-13, was
scurring around the Shuttle Craft.  "NeNe, you're embarrassing me!  Hav
a seat."  The Ensign demanded once again, thus time reaching out to the
younger girl, but just as she did the child backed up into another
Ensign spilling his drink.
       It was at this point that Ensign Nai Regina succeeded in getting
her sister to sit down and behave herself---somewhat.  Ensign Nai turned
to her little sister and began to lecture her, "Listen here, I don't
know how lax  our grandparents were with you, but they are getting to
old to look after you anymore.  Thus, I'm now responsible for you....
it's what we've both wanted ever since our mother was killed.  But I'm a
Star Fleet Officer and you're behavior reflects on me, so I want you to
start behaving yourself!"  Regina lectured.
       Just as she finished her lecture she turned to the other Ensign,
"I'm sorry for my sister's behavior.  She has been testing me to see
just how much she can get away with, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm
up to the challenge..."  Regina might have gone further, but the young
man's smile disarmed her.
       "It's no problem," he responded, "I have 3 younger brothers and
sisters, so I know just how troublesome they could be.  So are you on
your way to the Lunar Training station too?"
       "Yeah, and then hopefully to be assigned to a research ship in
the Gamma Quadrant, but you know Star Fleet, they never send you where
you want to go" Regina says.
       "Nod, Star Fleet has a tendency of sending you where they want
you, not where you want to go."  The Ensign responds.
       Not knowing exactly where to carry the conversation, Regina
simply lets the conversation die, which obtained a snide remark from her
sister---which embarrassed Regina to no end and brought about a smile on
the part of the other ensign.
       A little while later the shuttle craft lands at it's destination
and Regina checks in with the appropriate authorities.  NeNe *pronounced
Nay-Nay* accompanies her, neither really sure where NeNe should go.