Re: LZ: Backlighting
>Eric Barker
>I think a game boy light attachment idea is much better than most of you
>realize. A couple people who stayed at our house left an old Game Boy
>attachment thingy that I found a couple weeks ago. It has 2 sterio
>speekers, a magnifier, and a light. Best of all, with a light outside
>the casing it would spred a bit to the keypad so you can see this to (my
>guess is that since the game boy has a couple buttons, they may have
>made it this way). There are a couple down sides. It is a bit big for
>the calc, so it would have to have something added to it to make it fit.
>It has the wrong speeker jack, halfway between the regular and mini
>jacks. And it runs off of the power of the gameboy (that could be
>solved by putting a small bettery with a transformer somewhere). This
>would be a lot easier and safer than screwing around in the inside of
>the calc. I hope this helps.
2 things:
1. I think that it is a good idea to use the GameBoy thingie also b/c theyre
cheap,they got speakers (which can be modified to work w/ the TI (cant u
just cut off the jack and attatch the wires to a normal mini TI jack?) and a
transformer is easy to build.
2. y not just build your own Gameboy type external exoskeleton. it could be
mountable on the TI case, all ud need is a light bulb (those thin ones) that
would look like this ->
(light bulb)
attatch that to a couple of AAA and ur set! I think Ill go out and do that
Since I know very little about circuits, if I were to buy a light bulb of
that type, is there a special way to attach it to a power supply, or can i
have one end going to the (+) of a battery, and one to the (-)
If i need to solder/build anything else, please explain in detail!
Then I will post my results for the rest of you
Da MaGe