Re: LZ: asm commands


Re: LZ: asm commands

>On 10/18/96 17:48, DADDY E muttered something stupid about LZ: asm commands
>>Is there anywhere I can find a list of TI-85 asm commands, and their func
>Yeah..go to, and click on "Assembly Language" on the image 
>map, and d/l the "ZShell40.hlp" file, if you have windows. If you don't, 
>you'll want to dl all the text files there. Also, snag z80iss.txt, cause I 
>don't think its all included in the help file.
>           ==----==
>           [(.)(.)]
>Rob Linwood - Technicolor Dragon
>-=<UDIC>=- - -~-(UDHISS)-~-
> * PW * The weather is here...wish you were beautiful.
Thanx a lot!
