LZ: Linux users
LZ: Linux users
Hey, how many people out there are using linux? My friend and I just made
a device (/dev/ti85) using the 5 buck parallel cable that connects the
calc to the computer... It's kinda cool, in minicom, set the serial device
to /dev/ti85, and using talk85, the text comes up on the screen. If anyone
cares, I'll post our code. Anyone want us to make a zshell filesystem, so
you can mount your calculator w/nfs for shits'n giggles?
Just wondering where all the linux users are...
Has anyone ported any z80 debuggers/string85/asm compilers/c
compilers/dissasemblers to linux yet? If so, it'd be real nice... I could
work on my zshell shit without having to boot to dos. Any help well be
duly appreciated.
Right now, we are working on a zshell terminal program/hardware to
hook up to a modem that doesn't require a 60 buck graphlink. We have an
old little pocket modem (only 2400 baud) that has a wierd interface that
looks promising (seems like only three lines from the serial port are
actually used, two data lines, and ground, we hope :). The cool thing is
that the company still has a bunch and they are cheap. More on this later.
We were actually thinking of not worrying about ansi/vt100 term codes, but
actually making an entry in the termcap file on my linux box for the ti85,
so that all the high bit codes are filtered, and converted to the
ti85's native character set. That way, the zshell term program will be a
lot smaller, it won't have to have an ascii table. We were thinking of
having the program send a special handshake tone, so that our dialup
line on our box will recognize that its a ti85 calling, and will switch
terminals. So, linux people, does this sound doable?
Oh, btw... you guys from Fairbanks, do you go to West Valley High? If so,
then I know of at least ten people at our school who had zshell months
before you. Not to brag or anything, but it's just interesting that there
are over 30 zshell users in Fairbanks, AK, and like 4 of them (including
myself) program z80 assembler. If there are so many in a podunk town like
fairbanks, imagine some big state like california or texas.
Later guys!
Sunit Das <tinus@betterthan.northstar.k12.ak.us>
perl script for rsa | fight the export ban!!
#!/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1