Re: LZ: RT-Link: Has anybody gotten it to work?


Re: LZ: RT-Link: Has anybody gotten it to work?

>Hmm... I once checked out the IR link schematics, but didn't get jack out
>of 'em (might be because I'm not really good at electronics). Well...
>actually I thought i understood the it (not how it works, just how to
>make it), but the calc wasn't connected to it in any way. If someone
>could make step-to-step instructions for making one, I, and i think many
>more would appreciate it...
>   -P

Yes, the schematic is very vague, it says 'transmitter', and 'receiver',
and it even gives you the wave lengths, but it doesn't tell you how to hook
it up, nor how the build the transmitters or receivers.


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