Re: LZ: RT-Link: Has anybody gotten it to work?
Yes, but if you make an RT link then you could have your calc hooked up to
the transfer unit inside your bag or something without the teacher seeing
and send messages or whatnot that way. Radio waves don't need a direct
transparent line to transfer info vs. light where you would.
"Honors Master PhD of Idea Engineering"
-= =-
: From:
: To: Zenon
: Subject: Re: LZ: RT-Link: Has anybody gotten it to work?
: Date: October 13, 1996 9:23 AM
: On Sun, 13 Oct 1996 09:00:45 EDT (Mark D Lippmann)
: writes:
: >I'm bored and I'm going to make the RT-Link. Has anyone actually
: >gotten it to work? Please don't write if you have anything else to say
: >about it. All I want know is if you got it to work. Thanks.
: Why don't you make a IR link instead, that would make more sense
: considering you could control appliances, create a light sensor, etc..