Re: LZ: Re: Extra players connect


Re: LZ: Re: Extra players connect

That's a good idea.  Then we can use that as a central server unit housing
2-4 client calcs.  Would anyone know how to use the chip this way?

"Honors Master PhD of Idea Engineering"
-= =-

: From:
: To: Zenon
: Subject: Re: LZ: Re: Extra players connect
: Date: October 12, 1996 11:31 AM
: > : From: ChrisK@NUKEWARE.COM
: > :
: > : That's easy to do... just take 2 data links and split them open at
: > : center.  Then you connect a couple wires and walla.  (I don't
: > : which wires off hand (I think white), play with it a bit, there's
only 3)
: Zenon Lynx wrote:
: > 
: > That won't work since there will be more than one calculator involved
: > it's not a simple linear signal to and from another calc; there will be
: > confusion on which signal belongs to which calc, so this is not
: > 
: > "Canada has no national identity other than our strongest policy:
: > multiculturalism"
: I know ChrisK's method won't work, but it is definantly possible. What we
would need to do is 
: use the i2c libary to do the communications instead of using the link
port TI style. i2c 
: allows for multiple masters on the bus to talk to multiple slaves or
other masters, with 
: arbitration.
