Re: LZ: Ideas on input
>Does anyone who has experience with electronics think that it would be
>possible to put a transparent touch-sensitive piece over the 85's screen
>and use a stylus to determine where the cursor is? If we can get the data
>in through the i/o port (Hopefully on the ram extender, hint, hint) then
>writing software to use it wouldn't be too difficult. A grayscale painting
>program would become feasable, as would many other games requiring better
>movement. Who knows? Maybe a track ball is possible. Anyone have any ideas
>on this?
Question, WHY? Yes, a touch sensative screen would be neat, but what would
someone use it for? And a paint program? Again, you can't print it out
and it's B&W(gray scale if you cared to write the extra pages of code). To
print it out, you would have to link it to your computer, and after all
that, you'd be better off just using your computer to draw it anyway.
Sure, you could save it, and maybe come up with something kind of neat
looking, but with 124 by 62 pixels(or whatever, I can't remember), how neat
can it look?
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