Re: LZ: Sprite Question
Re: LZ: Sprite Question
As I've said before here, I tried to erlease the source code for my
sprite routines, but they were lost in "The Great Crash of '96" (It
really started in 95) ANyway, I think I have a backup of the source
somewhere, but I wont' have access to it until December. The source is
sorta commented (Nothing like my link port txt file, but something). If
anyone else here would would find this usefull, (I think it would be
really helpfull in a game) then let me know and I will try extra hard in
December to get it. Until then there is nothing I can do...
site's site:
> >
> > end
> >
> Could you post the .asm file for this code as well, with some comments if you
> have time? I am just trying to start learning Zshell programming and such a
> program would help immensely if I could look through the source. I ran it
> through a disassembler, but I still can't make too much sense of it, some
> comments would be much appreciated. Thanks.
> Kheong.