Re: LZ: Promoting TI-85s and ZShell in schools
Re: LZ: Promoting TI-85s and ZShell in schools
On Fri, 11 Oct 1996, Robin, Jim, & Eric Barker wrote:
> buy TI-Calcs buy them just before (a couple of weeks) before their
> Freshman year because the teachers require them. So I need some way to
> target the teachers so they will start to suggest TI-85s. This is going
> to be hard.
I keep hearing people saying teachers are requiring these
graphing calculators????? Perhaps I just grew up poor (and am CONTINUING
this level of excellence to this very day!), and it's taken me until
college to get one and the only way that was, was with a scholarship, but
requiring a 80-100 dollar calculator??
This has got to be up north.. ?
(forgive the non-zshell comments.. oh wait, how about this:
can anyone think of any way to get multiple (non i2c) chips (the same
exact chips) to somehow respond differently, so I can gather data from
multiple ones? Maybe sick, maybe because I have a piece of shit 86
taurus, but i'm working on various sensors for my car. I just think it
would be worth it to see the look on unsuspecting passenger's faces for
me to hop in, pull a cable out of somewhere, and plug up the 85. Plus it
would generally be a valuable source of info about my car, "computer
diagnostics" is the latest greatest thing in auto mechanics, why not a
cheapo version? )
ok, now it's a zshell related message. I feel better about myself.
(ok, another questino, slightly non-zshell, these things are now allowed
on the psat/sat/sat2's, btu are they allowed on the act? I'm just
curious.. and slightly annoyed I didn't have one to use when I took these
tests, but oh well. <grin>)