Re: LZ: Re: I feel sorry for them


Re: LZ: Re: I feel sorry for them

Zenon Lynx wrote:
> Well, it would be a very good idea if you can get teachers to promote
> TI-85s because of ZShell applications they can hand out from a school
> computer containing programs like organizer or chemlib or something
> constructive.  That's censorship, but if you wanna get something done the
> way you want it, so be it.  Of course, there are always loopholes...
> "Canada has no national identity other than our strongest policy:
> multiculturalism"
> -= =-
> ps.  I do think Magnus would very much appreciate being acknowledged as the
> ZShell creator!!
> pps. What would happen if the next generation ZShell was totally different?
>  Like it wasn't a shell but more like an OS?

ZShell is an OS partially, because the ROM_CALL's have to be adjusted to 
each version.  When you do a ROM_CALL, it calls ZShell and that calls the 
correct place.

Also, I think math teachers are pretty stupid about calculators.  Either 
they don't take the time to find out which one is better(85), or they 
don't want students to be so powerful with their 85.  Personnally, I 
think it's great when I solve a problem with POLY or SIMULT or one of the 
many cool things about the 85, and then I play nibbles or tetris the rest 
of the time...while the 82 users are lost.
> ----------
> : From:
> : To: Zenon
> : Subject: Re: LZ: Re: I feel sorry for them
> : Date: October 11, 1996 12:37 AM
> :
> :
> : Zenon Lynx wrote:
> : >
> : > First of all, TI did not create ZShell, so they have no right to
> advertise
> : > it until the authors give them the right to.  Secondly, by promoting
> : > ZShell, they are promoting the use of the calculator as a game machine,
> : > which is what most teachers who know about ZShell think about it, even
> if
> : > it is not true.  This will lend a greater dent to its name than a
> : > promotion.
> :
> : *********
> :
> : I see your point, and for the most part, that is mainly what ZShell is
> : for, but why listen to geometry when you already know it?  Though I
> : think Mangus (don't get upset if I'm wrong) would be happy for ZShell to
> : be "addvertised" by TI because he hasn't made a cent on it and probably
> : never will, but to have your name (being a non-profit product) on a
> : package as used as the TI-85, well, that would be enoph for me.
> :
> : I did get my freshman Math teacher sort of excited about ZShell (this is
> : the TI-82 finatic) when I showed him organizer.  He said, "You can put
> : your homework on this?!!! why don't you use it?" the answer is because
> : organizer is hard to use, and not very good to track asignments..... now
> : there's an idea!  A high school homework planner, maybe the teachers
> : could change there minds if that was on there.  The only problem is that
> : the majority of the ZShell population is out there for the games, so of
> : cource that's how it will be looked at :(
> :
> : Paradox, back there in this thread you, like your name, twisted my
> : wording around in a strange way:
> :
> : > He didn't say that the teachers were AGAINST the 85, just that they
> : > were FOR the 82.
> :
> : You were talking to me about controdicting another person, which was ME.
> : Ok, I was the one you were talking to and I was also "He".  I just found
> : this amusing.  See how weird threads can get?
> :
> : Eric Barker
> :
> : *************************************************
> : *    "My fellow ZShell users, the computer      *
> : *   world is being corrupted by the powers of   *
> : *  Bill Gates and his evil software engineers"  *
> : *************************************************
> :
> : ----------
> : By the way, Mac users, if you liked the extention ~Aaron (Copland
> : interface) then you'll love the newest control panal by Greg Landweber
> : (the creater of ~Aaron) called Keilidoscope.  It's like ~Aaron just 10X
> : better!

Compliments of:
  Alan Bailey
