LZ: Organiser
LZ: Organiser
I think just as you Eric Barker, that the TI-85 should be much more=20
kind of "respected" if it wasn't used that much for games instead of=20
useful programs. I think that organiser 1.0 was great, but it can be=20
done MUCH BETTER. I haven't checked the newer version of Organiser=20
yet, but according to what ppl have said about it I think that it can=20
be very, I mean really useful. I am using it just because of I have so=
much to do in the weeks, so I just have to put it all in the=20
Organiser. I think that the Organiser-idea is great and I hope that=20
it's more of you out there that thinks so too. I haven't learned how=20
to code this Zshell stuff, so I would be very deligted if someone,=20
maybe the original author?, would continue with the coding of a better=
/Daniel dpn@njudung.se
I'm moving my homepage around at the moment, but the original one will=
stay a while:
Re: LZ: Re: I feel sorry for them
MIME7:rbarker@polarnet.com p=E5 INTERNET
1996-10-11 9.59
>I see your point, and for the most part, that is mainly what ZShell is=20
>for, but why listen to geometry when you already know it? Though I=20
>think Mangus (don't get upset if I'm wrong) would be happy for ZShell to=20
>be "addvertised" by TI because he hasn't made a cent on it and probably=20
>never will, but to have your name (being a non-profit product) on a=20
>package as used as the TI-85, well, that would be enoph for me.
>I did get my freshman Math teacher sort of excited about ZShell (this=20
>is the TI-82 finatic) when I showed him organizer. He said, "You can=20
>put your homework on this?!!! why don't you use it?" the answer is=20
>because organizer is hard to use, and not very good to track=20
>asignments..... now there's an idea! A high school homework planner,=20
>maybe the teachers could change there minds if that was on there. The=20
>only problem is that the majority of the ZShell population is out there=20
>or the games, so of cource that's how it will be looked at :(
>Paradox, back there in this thread you, like your name, twisted my=20
>wording around in a strange way:
>>He didn't say that the teachers were AGAINST the 85, just that=20
>>they were FOR the 82.
>You were talking to me about controdicting another person, which was ME. =20
>Ok, I was the one you were talking to and I was also "He". I just found=20
>this amusing. See how weird threads can get?
>Eric Barker