Re: LZ: Re: I feel sorry for them


Re: LZ: Re: I feel sorry for them

>  By the way, putting up posters 
>doesn't solve much of a problem if all the teachers are against the 
>TI-85.  It would only make you look like a geek.
>Eric Barker

He didn't say that the teachers were AGAINST the 85, just that they were FOR
the 82. This happens at my school where the teachers recomend the 82 because
that is what they hav as a class set and that is what they know how to use.
Most people who own graphing calculators in my calculus class have 85s
because they looked at the boxes and saw that the 85 did more things than
the 82. Now that zshell is going around, people looking to buy a new
calculator are definatly leaning strongly towards the 85

btw, everyone I know can't wait for the memory expander schematics(sp) to
come out because the Calculus Toolkit which is almost nessary for the AP
calculus test takes up vurtualy all avalable memory, leaving nothing for
zshell :(

Christopher DeMars --

	"Life is the ultimate paradox;
	  It looks logical on the outside
	    But, when you look closely,
	      Things make no sense..."
