Re: LZ: A few questions, a few comments, blahblah.


Re: LZ: A few questions, a few comments, blahblah.

If you have been paying attention to my messages you will find out that the
ZShell programmers and developers are going to turn this RAM extender into
simultaneously accessible memory.

"Canada has no national identity other than our strongest policy:
-= =-

: From:
: To: Zenon
: Subject: Re: LZ: A few questions, a few comments, blahblah.
: Date: October 9, 1996 8:28 AM
: > 	Question: Are any of the various memory expansion (oh, terribly 
: > sorry EXTENTION.. or whatever) going to be file-storage, or accessable 
: > memory? AKA can I run a program directly off of it, or will it be copy
: > main memory, then run ?
:   File storage.  You'd have to copy to main mem. first.  This isn't that 
: much of a restriction - if you back up main mem to the extender first, 
: you can use the whole 32k minus about one to reload the original memory. 

: All Mac programs to date have only 32k of code+data in RAM at a time 
: (unless the programmer splurged on Apple's $2000 development 
: environment), so it is possible to write decent programs like this.
:                      /***********************************
:                      *           Daniel Knapp           *
:                      *       FeatherWate Software       *
:                      *     email:     *
:                      *                                  *
:                      *      Whose account this is,      *
:                      *         I think I know.          *
:                      * The sysop is in Berkely, though. *
:                      * She will not see me typing here, *
:                      *        To watch this Mac         *
:                      *          Refuse to go.           *
:                      ***********************************/
