Re: LZ: Screen Reversing...


Re: LZ: Screen Reversing...

On Thu, 10 Oct 1996, Ilkka Neuvonen wrote:

> > > What might work is the cpl instruction.  Hope this helps!
> > > 
> > > Ben
> > >
> > 
> > You can just xor the byte with $FF:
> But that would take 1 extra byte, wouldn't it? (ok, ok, so it won't 
> shatter nations, or anything but if you're planning on like doing it a 
> 1000 times, it counts...)
>    Pyrone

Actually, if it's in a loop, even if you do it 10 illion times, the extra 
byte doesn't really matter that much.  It's which ever one is faster.  
Oh, and it *will* shatter nations, jsut you wait and see.  Muahahahahaah...

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