Re: LZ: Random Numbers
A.K.A. TheWiz wrote:
> > huh? this is a little confusing for me, all i need is the code or an
> > explanation (in moron terms) to produce a random number from 1-4 !
> Random numbers are pretty complex... It might actually be SIMPLER to
> search the rom dump. When you type Rand() in BASIC, you're calling an
> incredibly complex routine - else you wind up getting numbers that aren't
> random at all.
actually that is not completely true. The ti-8x/92's random number
routine is actually makes a pseudo-random number. try making a program
with these lines in it:
:disp rand
:disp rand
:disp rand
that routine will prove that the random number routine is not a random
number routine but a pseudo-random number routine.
> BTW, there's a bug in Tetris w/ the piece-selection algorithm - on
> occasion it will give you about 20 square blocks in a row! This
> demonstrates the importance of getting good random numbers...
yes it does
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