Re: LZ: f-term


Re: LZ: f-term

On Fri, 4 Oct 1996 17:39:17 -0400 Someone <>
>All YOU are shooting for is a text browser.  I'm going for something a
>little better.  Yes, lynx (i DO know what that is) would work, but I'd
>rather have something a little cooler.  Why would a person with a PC 
>lynx when NS would work?  That's my point.  If it's possible, I'd like 
>try it.  This might be the project that would teach me assembly, for I 
>have to know it before I do something like this.
I'd hate to burst your plexiglass bubble, but the ti screen's resolution
is at the most 1/5 of the size of a minimum resolution screen for
netscape (640x480)... plus netscape is around at minimum (of a early
version) 1.5megs. Too bad the ti85 has only 28k to spare for it. Do you
get my point. In other words we would be lucky enough to have a terminal
that could dial up to our isp and use lynx (which is running on the
remote system).
