Re: LZ: f-term


Re: LZ: f-term

> > >>Well, actually, I was thinking as a portable way to access your internet
> > >>account... but I'm not sure I'm thinking along the same lines as the rest
> > >>of the group...
  Suddenly I realized what everyone's so excited about:  You could 
download programs to your calc. w/o a computer in between!

> > It dials up your ISP.
> > Uses FTP (whatevers most efficient.  I'm going for the idea, not the
> >   execution.  That's what all the bright ppl are here for..:^) to download
> >   the files to (either the server or the calc.  i dunno).
> >  As for pics, it downloads the to the server, has the SERVER run a prog that
> >  will convert them to a 92/85 pic format, and then retrieves THAT.
> > 
> > OK.  Does that make sense?  Is it possible?  Have I just made simple
> > something that all of you have been talking about all along?  What?
  True enough - we'd have to forget about inline images, though - most 
are larger than the screen.  Or at least scale them down.  Maybye 
grayscale or something would help, too.

                     *           Daniel Knapp           *
                     *       FeatherWate Software       *
                     *     email:     *
                     *                                  *
                     *      Whose account this is,      *
                     *         I think I know.          *
                     * The sysop is in Berkely, though. *
                     * She will not see me typing here, *
                     *        To watch this Mac         *
                     *          Refuse to go.           *
