Re: LZ: 15 year old, can't write decent basic prog.


Re: LZ: 15 year old, can't write decent basic prog.

> >:ClLCD
> >:Input "What is your age", age
> >:If age <= 15:Then
> >:Print "Please read the newsgroup 'comp.lang.basic.beginners'"
> >:Else
> >:Print "Thank you for contributing "
> >:Print "worth while information to this mailing list!"
> >:End
> >:Print "Thank you for using my program"
> >:Stop
> C.J.:
> Excuse me, but i am 15, yet i bet i can write a better and more efficient
> BASIC program (any dialect)than you and I bet I could kick your A** in C++!!!!
when I was 15 I was programming demos in 68000....
(and writing an OS in 6502)

Rob Taylor MAIL - 
           WEB  -    
