Re: LZ: 15 year old, can't write decent basic prog.


Re: LZ: 15 year old, can't write decent basic prog.

> From:
> In a message dated 96-09-30 23:11:55 EDT, you write:
> << :ClLCD
>  :Input "What is your age", age
>  :If age <= 15:Then
>  :Print "Please read the newsgroup 'comp.lang.basic.beginners'"
>  :Else
>  :Print "Thank you for contributing "
>  :Print "worth while information to this mailing list!"
>  :End
>  :Print "Thank you for using my program"
>  :Stop
>  Glad to be of help Andrew.  Any questions, you can call
>                                           -C.J.-
>   >>
> Hmm...There's no PRINT command in TI-BASIC...maybe you should brush up on
> your programming a little...

Print is a basic BASIC display command.  Sure, it's replaced by Disp in
TI-BASIC, but print is still considered a basic command.
