At 04:13 PM 9/30/96 -0400, you wrote:
>I'm sure all of you are aware of password programs for zshell. I'm aware
>that there are programs will break the password, but the program must be run
>on the password protected calc itself. Is there anyway a two calcs be
>connected and have one calc monitering the others actions(such as where the
>input comparison is made). If so, couldn't a locked calc be turned on, a
>wrong password entered, and then it turned off while the other calc recorded
>where the comparison was taken place. Then the calc could be turned back on
>and the other calc "jam" it by sending data through the port and then
>"download" the comparison varible from the recorded memory location. In
>other words is it possible to steal a password from a locked calc through
>the link?
Even if this WAS possible, it would be a hell of a lot more obvious plugging
the calculator into the persons link port while they type in the password
then just looking over the guys shoulder.
Matt Hayden