Re: LZ: ROM calls
Dines Justesen wrote:
> Michael J Wyman wrote:
> >
> > I know that many people have sent messages to the list asking about ROM
> > calls before, but I just want to know, does anybody know any of the basic
> > ROM calls, like even the ones for printing text on the screen and
> > clearing the LCD for ROM version 9.0? I sometimes write programs just
> > for my use for math or some other class, and it is sometimes faster to
> > run them right from the CUSTOM menu (even by one keypress, I know it may
> > seem stupid). If anyone could tell me, it would be very much
> > appreciated. I think that the documents at TICALC.ORG only go up through
> > ROM version 8.0!
> I working on new version of ti-rom, and i will include information for
> as many
> rom versions as possible. I have know gotten the adresses for rutines in
> rom
> version 9.0, from some one on the list (i can not remember his name).
> If programs you are making do more than just write stuff to the screen,
> you
> will probably have a hard time writing them in asm. One of the problem
> is we
> only know the adresses of the math function in rom version 3.0A.
> The reason that the documents normally only goes up to version 8.0 is
> that the
> calcs from 3.0A to 8.0 are vry much a like and 9.0 and 10.0 is a lot
> different.
> IF any one has more information which should be added to tirom/tiram
> mail me.
> --
> _______________________________________
> Dines Justesen
> Email: or
> WWW :
> _______________________________________
No, the zsfnlib document, which has all the ROM_CALL ones in it is
compatible for all ROM versions. That's cause they are known on every
version and incorporated into zshell. But the TI-ROM.txt document is
only for a specific version or two or three, like Dines said. Glad to
see he is working on it. :>
Compliments of:
Alan Bailey