LZ: simple random numbers


LZ: simple random numbers

I need a REALLY SIMPLE random number routine, to generate one of two
numbers, either 0 or 1 or smthign like that. I really don't care what the
two numbers are. I just want ONLY two numbers that are fairly simple. Any
			Will Stokes
*                   Will Stokes		         (                 *
*        wstokes@vertex.ucls.uchicago.edu      	 )  Comment of     *
*      						 (  the times:     *
*              My Personal Homepage		 )                 *
*     http://www.uic.edu/~hhstokes/will.htm 	 (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
*						 )                 *
*           The TI-85 Calculator Center		 (  Oxymoron:      *
* (the website I maintain and update very often) ) Power Macintosh *
*          http://www.uic.edu/~hhstokes/	 (                 *
*						 )                 *