Re: LZ: #Zshell IRC channel
Robin, Jim, & Eric Barker wrote:
> Victor Chernyy wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > My name is Nick, and i am interested to start a Zshell+TI-Calc channel
> > on IRC (undernet), if you would like to support this, please Email me at
> >, if you would like more information on the undernet,
> > go to, and YES the undernet is better thatn EFnet +
> > DALnet ;)
> Cory Bosley wrote:
> >
> > We already have a VERY well established TI calculators channel at #calc-ti
> > in EFNet. Why make an undernet one when we already have an EFNet one?
> > Because you're G-lined from EFNet or something? Too bad.
> I am going to agree half with Victor and half with Cory. A Cory says,
> we already have a well astablished claclulator channel called
> #calc-ti, but I believe this is, for the most part a non-ZShell
> channel. Each list SHOULD have its own IRC channel. Why?
> Think about it, if a couple TI-82 BASIC people are on there and we
> decide to have a party like the 1st aniversary, then we will be
> ruining their conversation with stuff that they don't have a clue what
> to make of. I also think that IRC can be potentialy MUCH more
> productive than e-mail. Instead of "type something, wait a day for
> the answer" it's "type something, wait 5 seconds for the answer!!!"
> So why isn't this list on IRC, of cource it's harder to stay up to
> date on IRC than e-mail, but still I think with how slow things
> actually get on list-zshell it would be a lot better. We would
> probably have had a RF link more than a mounth ago if it had been
> discussed on IRC instead of list TI-Hardware. We need more realtime
> disscussions.
Nobody is stopping people from starting new IRC channels. infact i am
the one who started #fargo and i am the owner of the bot in
#fargo(berlin). I also started the IRC channel #berlin and put the bot
in there. also the reasoning behind #calc-ti is for a communial meeting
place for ALL ti calculators so therefor it is just not for ZShell, it
never has and never will(that is why there is sometimes a #zshell). also
my usual nicks on irc are God_Hexer, BerlinGod, Hexer, NIN_RULES,
EibmozBor, PCoMP, Berlin85, and sometimes i use othernicks,
> Please, don't nitpick this e-mail to shreds and flame me, it just
> comes accross looking egotisticle!!!
> Eric Barker
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