Re: LZ: #Zshell IRC channel
Okay. You're displayed your ineptness here. Please do not make obvious and
extremely broad generalizations to the point that there's no difference
between you and Larry Ellison. #calc-ti is almost NEVER completely full,
although we are sometimes. We do NOT just discuss ti-basic in the channel.
That would be insanely lame, much like this list. You have also forgotten
the "time honored" "art of letter writing". Sometimes, it's just more
convenient to have information pushed at you from a mailing list than to go
out and fetch it. You remind me so much of bureaucracy it hurts. You see,
bureaucrats seat at their desk all day, making broad generalizations
without research. My solution to this SLIGHTLY annoying thread is to
arrange for meetings by private email. Basically, you email joe blow and
tell him to email people who are interested in blah blah blah to get their
blah blah blah's into #calc-ti whenever. You need to stop annoying the
whole TI community as a whole by stopping posting your little whiny,
annoying threads that get us nowhere. Oh yeah, the only reason the RF link
isn't made yet is probably because of homework. Not bs, but PRETTY DAMN
P.S. Stop doing so little research, SPELL BETTER!!!, or you'll see more of
the same.
> From: Robin, Jim, & Eric Barker <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: LZ: #Zshell IRC channel
> Date: Sunday, November 24, 1996 11:27 PM
> Victor Chernyy wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > My name is Nick, and i am interested to start a Zshell+TI-Calc
> > on IRC (undernet), if you would like to support this, please Email me
> >, if you would like more information on the undernet,
> > go to, and YES the undernet is better thatn EFnet +
> > DALnet ;)
> Cory Bosley wrote:
> >
> > We already have a VERY well established TI calculators channel
at #calc-ti
> > in EFNet. Why make an undernet one when we already have an EFNet one?
> > Because you're G-lined from EFNet or something? Too bad.
> I am going to agree half with Victor and half with Cory. A Cory says,
> we already have a well astablished claclulator channel called
> #calc-ti, but I believe this is, for the most part a non-ZShell
> channel. Each list SHOULD have its own IRC channel. Why?
> Think about it, if a couple TI-82 BASIC people are on there and we
> decide to have a party like the 1st aniversary, then we will be
> ruining their conversation with stuff that they don't have a clue what
> to make of. I also think that IRC can be potentialy MUCH more
> productive than e-mail. Instead of "type something, wait a day for
> the answer" it's "type something, wait 5 seconds for the answer!!!"
> So why isn't this list on IRC, of cource it's harder to stay up to
> date on IRC than e-mail, but still I think with how slow things
> actually get on list-zshell it would be a lot better. We would
> probably have had a RF link more than a mounth ago if it had been
> discussed on IRC instead of list TI-Hardware. We need more realtime
> disscussions.
> Please, don't nitpick this e-mail to shreds and flame me, it just
> comes accross looking egotisticle!!!
> Eric Barker