Re: LZ: Ti 85 Crashes?


Re: LZ: Ti 85 Crashes?

At 05:02 PM 11/23/96 -0500, you wrote:

>That would be liquid-nitrogen.  Either that, or a sledgehammer would do 

>the job.  In other words, no, not with software.  The worst that could 

>happen is you have to reset your memory.  The worst damage possible by 

>software in computer history was that it was possible to make old tape 

>backup drives dance off the table, but that was in the early eightys and 

>no one has to worry about that anymore.


Actually, there used to be a virus that would spin and grind disk drives in such a way that it would pay the mickey mouse theme song, and also put more wear on your drive then it would take in 3 years. And the virus ambulance, if not taken care of, could blow out the flyback in your moniter (if your using an AT. :) ).... 

That's it, class. Comp Distruction History 101 dismissed. :)



The Reverend Mage 		Member: HTML Writer's Guild


Reverend of the CHURCH OF THE CHEMITARIAN<bold>:</bold>

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s5k++BsFR Rn SrNn N0194Pcn LusOK-3 HzS*2}
